We are pleased to announce that the second volume in author Joan Pinyol’s seminal The Rising Sun in Arms is now available. Like all the volumes in this extensive series (some 14 in all are planned) the book is perfect bound with a full colour cover. The contents include descriptive text, with charts and tables detailing the assets involved in the Imperial Japanese military during the 1937-45 period. With over 10 years in depth research, from existing western sources, and never before translated Japanese sources this volume continues in the vein of Volume 1, providing the reader with an insight to the Japanese military never before published in English.
Volume 2 picks up from Volume 1, detailing the Army Groups, Armies, Corps of the Japanese military, along with the contents thereof. Laid out in chart and tabular format this is the ideal introduction to the breadth and depth of the Japanese military effort in WW2.